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法律翻译中without prejudice to怎么翻译? _答疑解惑 Q&A_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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法律翻译中without prejudice to怎么翻译?
发布时间:2011/7/11  阅读次数:81409  字体大小: 【】 【】【
法律翻译中without prejudice to怎么翻译?
27.1 Without prejudice to Party B’s rights to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Article 11.2, the parties may agree that if, during the Lease Term, the Premises are in part or in whole :
27.1 在不影响乙方根据第11.2款终止本合同的权利的情况下,双方可同意,在租赁期内:
Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which a party may have under this Agreement, the parties acknowledge and agree that damages may not be an adequate remedy for any breach of this Agreement and the remedies of injunction, specific performance and other non-monetary remedies (in addition to damages) as permitted by PRC law are appropriate for any threatened or actual breach of any provision of this Agreement and no proof of special damages shall be necessary for the enforcement of the rights under this Clause 18.2.
18.8.2         Any Notice may be delivered by hand or sent by fax with confirmation receipt followed by first-class mail posted within 24 hours, or by overnight courier. Without prejudice to the foregoing, any Notice shall be deemed to have been received on the next working day in the place to which it is sent, if sent by fax, or 72 hours from the time of posting, if sent by overnight courier, or at the time of delivery, if delivered by hand.
18.8.2         一切通知可经专人送递,或以附有确认收据的传真方式送递随后再于24小时内以头等邮件方式邮寄,或以隔夜速递的方式送递。在不影响前述规定的前提下,一切以传真送递的通知在收件地的下一个工作日视为收到,以隔夜速递方式送递的通知在寄出之后72小时视为收到,以专人送递的通知在递交时视为收到。
12       Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which a party may have under this Agreement, the parties acknowledge and agree that damages may not be an adequate remedy for any breach of this Agreement and the remedies of injunction, specific performance and other non-monetary remedies (in addition to damages) as permitted by PRC law are appropriate for any threatened or actual breach of any provision of this Agreement and no proof of special damages shall be necessary for the enforcement of the rights under this Clause 12.
12       在不影响任何一方在本协议下可能享有的任何其他权利或补救权的前提下,各方确认并同意,对本协议的任何违约仅进行损害赔偿可能不足以补救该等违约,因此守约方就任何潜在、或实际地违反本协议任何规定的行为寻求停止侵害、实际履行及中国法律允许的其他非金钱补救措施(附加于损害赔偿)均为适当的,且在强制执行本第12条项下权利时无需提供任何特别损失证据。
Any Notice may be delivered by hand or sent by fax with confirmation receipt followed by first-class mail posted within 24 hours, or by overnight courier. Without prejudice to the foregoing, any Notice shall be deemed to have been received on the next working day in the place to which it is sent, if sent by fax, or 72 hours from the time of posting, if sent by overnight courier, or at the time of delivery, if delivered by hand.
10.4 Each right or remedy of Party A under this Agreement is cumulative and without prejudice to any other right or remedy of Party A whether under this Agreement or any law.
10.4 本协议项下甲方的每项权利或补救是累积的,并不影响甲方在根据本协议或法律享有的任何其他权利或补救。
8.2     Without prejudice to Clause 8.1, the EJV shall be entitled to terminate this AGREEMENT if the COMPANY fails to remedy a material breach within 15 days of receipt of a formal notice containing the invitation to perform, to be sent by registered mail with notification of receipt or by fax.
8.2     在不影响第8.1款规定的前提下,如果公司在收到以挂号邮件随附收件通知方式或以传真方式发出的包含履约邀请的正式通知后15日内未能纠正重大违约行为,合资公司有权终止本协议。
9.9     This AGREEMENT (together with the documents referred to herein) represents the entire agreement between the PARTIES in relation to its subject matter and cancels and supersedes all previous agreements between the PARTIES, whether written or oral, without prejudice to the right of the EJV and/or FERRARI to receive outstanding payments due under any such agreements.
9.9     本协议(及其中提及的文件)代表了双方之间就其标的事宜达成的全部协议,并取消和取代双方之间此前的所有协议(无论是书面或是口头的),但不影响合资公司和/或法拉利收取任何该等协议项下到期未付款项的权利。
This paragraph is without prejudice to EJV’s right not to proceed with the delivery and/or to terminate immediately this AGREEMENT as set out in Clause 8 and claim compensation for damages.
5.2.2             Any notice may be delivered by hand or sent by fax or prepaid post. Without prejudice to the foregoing, any notice shall conclusively be deemed to have been received on the next Business Day in the place to which it is sent, if sent by fax, or 72 hours from the time of posting, if sent by post, or at the time of delivery, if delivered by hand.
5.2.2             任何通知可以专人递送、传真或邮资预付的邮件方式交付。在不影响前一句规定普遍性的前提下,任何通知若以传真发送,决定性地视其在发送方所在地的下一个营业日送达;若以邮件发送,决定性地视其在投寄后满72个小时时送达;若以专人递送,决定性地视其在交付时送达。
18.5.2         Any Notice may be delivered by hand or sent by fax with confirmation receipt followed by first-class mail posted within 24 hours, or by overnight courier. Without prejudice to the foregoing, any Notice shall be deemed to have been received on the next working day in the place to which it is sent, if sent by fax, or 72 hours from the time of posting, if sent by overnight courier, or at the time of delivery, if delivered by hand.
18.5.2         一切通知可经专人送递,或以附有确认收据的传真方式送递随后再于24小时内以头等邮件方式邮寄,或以隔夜速递的方式送递。在不影响前述规定的前提下,一切以传真发送的通知在收件地的下一个工作日视为收到,以隔夜速递方式送递的通知在寄出之后72小时视为收到,以专人送递的通知在递交时视为收到。
22.2.2         Within 20 Business Days after the occurrence of a Forte and Xinyuan Termination Event, without prejudice to the accrued rights and liabilities of the Parties, Forte and Xinyuan may, by notice to CSL,   terminate the CJV Contract and these Articles and apply to liquidate the CJV and the provisions of Article 23 shall apply.
22.2.2         复地股份、新远房产终止事件发生后20个营业日内,在不影响各方已产生的权利和义务的前提下,复地股份、新远房产可以经通知CSL终止《合作合同》和本章程,提出清算合作企业,并且第23条的规定应适用。
22.3.2         Within 20 Business Days after the occurrence of a CSL Termination Event, without prejudice to the accrued rights and liabilities of the Parties, CSL may, by notice to Forte or Xinyuan to terminate the CJV Contract and these Articles and liquidate the CJV; and the relevant provisions of Article 24 shall apply accordingly.
22.3.2         CSL终止事件发生后20个营业日内,在不影响各方已产生的权利和义务的前提下,CSL可以通知复地股份、新远房产终止《合作合同》和本章程,提出清算合作企业,并且第23条的规定应适用。
20.3 With prejudice to the generality of the above, CYL, Yongye Group, Yongye Joint Stock and the EJV shall not make any public announcements relating to the shareholdings or shareholders of SJL without the prior written consent of SJL.
20.3 在无损于上述一般性规定的前提下,CYL、永业集团、永业股份和合资公司不得在未获得SJL事先书面同意的情况下作出任何与SJL股权或股东相关的公告。
22.2.2         Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, without prejudice to the accrued rights and liabilities of the other Parties (“Non-defaulting Parties”), the provisions of Article 23 shall apply.
22.2.2         在发生违约事件后,在不影响其他方(“守约方”)已产生的权利和责任的前提下,第23条的规定应适用。
(a)               The Company shall be terminated according to Wholly Foreign-owned Enterprise Law and the Implementation Regulation as well as other relevant law and regulation of PRC.   Additionally without prejudice the appropriate context the Company may be terminated upon the unanimous decision of the Board, written approval of the Investor and approval by the original examining and approval authority.
(a)     公司可根据《外商投资企业法》及其实施细则以及其他中国有关法律和规定所载明的任何情况终止经营。此外,在不影响上下文规定的情况下,如董事会一致同意和投资者书面许可并经原审批机关批准,公司也可终止经营。
6.2     Without prejudice to any other remedies available to the Purchaser, if in any respect the provisions of Clause 6.1 are not complied with by the Vendor on the Completion Date the Purchaser may:
6.2     在不影响买方可享有的任何其它补救的原则下,如果卖方于成交日期在任何方面未遵从第6.1条的规定,则买方可:
6.2.2             proceed to Completion so far as practicable (without prejudice to its rights under this Agreement); or
6.2.2             在切实可行的范围内进行成交(在不影响其在本协议下的权利的原则下);或
As soon as practicable after the execution of this Agreement, the parties shall procure that a notice of transfer relating to the sale and purchase of the Business is published in accordance with the provisions of the Transfer of Businesses (Protection of Creditors) Ordinance.   Any such notice shall be in the form set out in Schedule [ 13 ] and shall be given without prejudice to the rights and obligations of the parties, as against each other, under this Agreement.
10.1 Without prejudice to the Warranties, the Vendor shall be responsible for, and shall keep the Purchaser fully and effectively indemnified against:
10.1 在不影响保证的原则下,卖方须对以下各项负责,并就以下各项使买方完全地及实际地获得弥偿:
14.6.1         arising out of or in any way connected with the Transferring Employees during the period when they were in the Vendor’s employ, including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing:
14.6.1         因调任雇员在其受雇于卖方的时段内引致的或在任何方面与此有关的上述各项,在不影响上文一般性的原则下,包括:
19.4 This guarantee and indemnity is in addition to and without prejudice to and not in substitution for any rights or security which the Purchaser may now or hereafter have or hold for the performance and observance of the obligations, commitments, undertakings, warranties, indemnities and covenants of the Vendor under or in connection with this Agreement [or the Property Agreement].
19.4 本担保及弥偿是附加于及不损害并且不取代买方现时或此后可能有或持有的任何权利或保证,以履行及遵守卖方根据或就本协议或〔财产协议〕而有的义务、承诺、承担、保证、弥偿及契诺。
23.4 Any right of rescission conferred upon the Purchaser hereby shall be in addition to and without prejudice to all other rights and remedies available to it (and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, shall not extinguish any right to damages to which the Purchaser may be entitled in respect of any breach of this Agreement) and no exercise or failure to exercise such a right of rescission shall constitute a waiver by the Purchaser of any such other right or remedy.
23.4 本协议所赋予买方的任何撤销权须附加于及不损害其可获得的所有其它权利及补救(且在不损害前文的一般性原则下,不终绝买方就本协议被违反而可能享有的获得损害赔偿的任何权利),而行使或没有行使上述撤销权并不构成买方放弃任何上述其它权利或补救。
(c)     In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the Vendor has in relation to the Business observed all of its obligations in relation to:
(c)     特别地,并在不损害前述规定的概括性原则下,卖方已就业务遵从其就以下事宜须承担的一切义务:
12.2 the provisions of any such Occupational Retirement Scheme relating to any employees or former employees of the Vendor including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the actuarial assumptions used in connection with any such scheme; or
12.2 关于卖方任何雇员或前雇员的任何上述职业退休计划的条文,在不影响前文的一般性原则下,包括就任何上述计划使用的精算假设;或
2.       In particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing,] to execute in our name and on our behalf (with all such amendments thereto as he shall deem necessary or desirable):
2.       特别是,但在不影响上文的一般性原则下,〕以本公司的名义并代表本公司签署(连同其视为必要或适宜的以下文件的一切修订):
Without prejudice to the generality of Clause 5.1, Party A shall collaborate fully with the Company in relation to all material matters concerning the carrying out of the Existing Business Activities between the date of this Contract and Completion and during that period shall procure that in relation to the Existing Business Activities Party A shall not without the prior written consent of the Company:
In the event of a breach of this Contract, without prejudice to the rights of the non-breaching Party under this Contract, the breaching Party shall be liable to compensate the non-breaching Party for any losses, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities or claims that the non-breaching Party may suffer as a result of such breach.
11.4.1         it shall be found that any of the Warranties was, when given, or will be, or would be, at Completion (as if they had been given again at Completion) not complied with or otherwise untrue or misleading, the Company shall be entitled (in addition to and without prejudice to all other rights or remedies available to it and its successors in title including the right to claim damages) by notice in writing to Party A to terminate this Contract, but failure to exercise this right shall not constitute a waiver of any other rights of the Company or its successors in title arising out of any breach of Warranties; or
11.4.1         若任何保证在做出时未获遵守、或不真实或具有误导性,或将会在交易完成之时(如同在交易完成之时做出)未获遵守、或不真实或具有误导性,合资公司有权(该等权利附加于且不影响其及其权利继承人享有的包括要求损害赔偿的权利在内的所有其他权利或救济权)书面通知甲方终止本合同,但未行使此项权利不构成合资公司或其权利继承人对因任何违反保证的行为享有的任何其他权利的放弃;或
8.04 If any of the representations and warranties of Yuncheng Aluminum made in Articles 8.01 and 8.02 hereof are at any time found to be untrue or incorrect, the Company shall have the right to rescind this Contract by providing written notice to Yuncheng Aluminum without liability on its part and without prejudice to any other rights it may have under the laws of the People's Republic of China.   Alternatively, the Company may elect to reduce the Purchase Price in respect of which any of the representations and warranties of Yuncheng Aluminum are found to be untrue, misleading or incorrect and/or any damages incurred by the Company as a result of such breach by Yuncheng Aluminum.
8.04 如果在任何时间发现运城铝业在本合同第8.01条和第8.02条所作的任何声明和保证是不真实的或不正确的,则公司将有权在本身无须负责和不损害其在中华人民共和国法律项下的任何其他权利的情况下通过向运城铝业发出书面通知解除本合同。作为替代方法,公司也可选择降低购买价格,(所发现不真实的、有误导性的或不正确的运城铝业的任何声明和保证和/或由于运城铝业的上述违约使公司发生的任何损害赔偿皆与该购买价格相关)。
17.3 The right of termination in Clause 17.1 shall not prejudice any Party’s rights under this Contract and under PRC law to claim against the other Party for any losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses suffered by it due to the other Party’s breach of contract, including without limitation, its rights stated in Clause 19.1 hereof.
17.3 第17.1条的终止权利,不得损害任何一方根据本合同及中国法律规定,就其因对方违约而受到的任何损失、损害赔偿、债务、费用和支出而向对方提出索赔的权利,包括但不限于本合同第19.1条所述的权利。
2.2     Interest.   The Borrower shall with respect to all monies payable under this Deed pay interest from the due date to the date of payment (as well after as before any demand or judgment and notwithstanding the liquidation of the Borrower) at such rates as shall from time to time be charged by the Lender and upon such terms as may from time to time be agreed with the Lender and such interest shall be compounded in the event of it not being punctually paid with monthly rests or as otherwise determined by the Lender but without prejudice to the right of the Lender to require payment of such interest and all such interest shall form part of the monies hereby secured.
2.2     利息。借款人应就本契约项下应付的一切款项支付利息,自到期应付之日起至付款之日止(在任何要求或判决之前和之后,以及即使借款人被清算),按贷款人不时收取的利率以及按与贷款人不时商定的条款计息。如果上述利息没有准时支付,则应按月或贷款人确定的其它方法计算复利,但不得损害贷款人要求支付上述利息的权利,而且所有上述利息应构成本契约予以担保的款项的一部分。
The Borrower agrees that the Lender shall (without prejudice to any general or banker’s lien, right of set-off or any other right to which it may be entitled) have the right, without notice to the Borrower or any other person, at any time to set off and apply any credit balance on any account (whether subject to notice or not and whether matured or not and in whatever currency) of the Borrower with the Lender and any other indebtedness owing by the Lender to the Borrower, against any monies, obligations and liabilities of the Borrower to the Lender on any other account or in any other respect whether actual or contingent and the Lender is authorised to purchase with the monies standing to the credit of any such account such other currencies as may be necessary for this purpose.   [Until payment in full of the Secured Indebtedness the Lender shall, in addition to any other rights and remedies, have a lien on all the property and assets of the Borrower from time to time in the possession of or registered in the name of the Lender or its nominees (including, but not limited to, all stocks, shares and marketable or other securities) whether such property and assets are held for safe custody or otherwise.]
Subject to Article 10.4 and without prejudice to any antecedent rights, this Contract shall cease to have effect as regards any Party who ceases to hold any Equity Interest, except for those Articles which are expressed to continue in force after termination of this Contract.
Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of a Party, the Parties acknowledge and agree that damages would not be an adequate remedy for any breach of this Article 26 and the remedies of prohibitory injunctions and other relief are appropriate and may be sought for any threatened or actual breach of any such provision and no proof of special damages shall be necessary for the enforcement of any Party’s rights under this Article 26.
Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, where any Party provides to the EJV or the other Party documents containing Trade Secrets it shall mark on the document in a prominent place “strictly confidential, contains material not to be disclosed, copied or transmitted to any third party without permission”.   The General Manager shall formulate internal rules and regulations for the management and protection of Trade Secrets which shall be applied by the staff of the EJV.   Relevant provisions on the protection of Confidential Information and Trade Secrets shall be included in each of the EJV’s labour contracts with its employees.
30.2.2         Within [20] Business Days after the occurrence of a Party A Termination Event, without prejudice to the accrued rights and liabilities of the Parties, Party A may, by notice to Party B, terminate this Contract, liquidate the EJV and the provisions of Article 31 shall apply.
30.2.2         甲方终止事件发生后[20]个营业日内,在不影响双方已产生的权利和义务的前提下,甲方可以经通知乙方终止本合同,清算合资公司,并且第31条的规定应适用。
30.3.2         Within [20] Business Days after the occurrence of a Party B Termination Event, without prejudice to the accrued rights and liabilities of the Parties, Party B may, by notice to Party A, terminate this Contract, liquidate the EJV and the provisions of Article 31 shall apply.
30.3.2         乙方终止事件发生后[20]个营业日内,在不影响双方已产生的权利和义务的前提下,乙方可以经通知甲方终止本合同、清算合资公司,并且第31条的规定应适用。
Without prejudice to Articles 30, 31 and 32.2, if a Party   (the “Breaching Party”) or any of its Associated Companies commits a material breach of a Transaction Document, the other Party (the “Non-Breaching Party”) may give a notice (a “Default Notice”) notifying the Breaching Party of its breach and requiring it to be remedied within [30] Business Days of the date on which the notice is effective under this Contract.
In the event of a breach of this Contract, without prejudice to the rights of the Non Breaching Party set out in Articles 30 and 31, the Breaching Party shall be liable to compensate the Non Breaching Party for any [direct or indirect]   losses, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities or claims that the Non-Breaching Party may suffer as a result of such breach.]
[In the event of a breach of this Contract, without prejudice to the rights of the Non-Breaching Party set out in Articles 30 and 31 the Breaching Party shall be liable to compensate the Non-Breaching Party for direct and actual (but not consequential or indirect) damages, losses, costs, expenses, liabilities or claims, that the Non-Breaching Party may suffer as a result of such breach incurred].
Where a breach of contract occurs in relation to both this Contract and the Articles in relation to the same event, the Non-Breaching Party shall not be entitled to recover twice in relation to the same event giving rise to the breach, but the foregoing is without prejudice to its rights to recover (subject to the foregoing) in relation to any separate breach or repeated or subsequent breaches of the same provision.
Termination of this Contract or dissolution of the EJV for any cause shall be without prejudice to the rights and liabilities of the Parties accrued at the time of termination or dissolution.
  (a)     procure that insurance is taken out and maintained on the Equipment, at a value not less than the full replacement value thereof or the aggregate of the Rental Payments from time to time outstanding under this Agreement whichever is the greater, comprehensively against all loss or damage from whatsoever cause including, without prejudice to the generality thereof, any loss, damage or destruction by fire, theft, accident or special peril and such other risks as the Lessor may from time to time nominate in writing;
(a)     确保按不少于设备的十足重置价值或本协议下不时发生的未付租金的总额(两者以数额较大者为准)购买设备不论因任何原因而产生的一切损失或损害的综合保险,包括(但在不影响其一般性原则下),因火灾、失窃、意外事故或特别灾难而造成的任何损失、损害或毁坏以及承租人不时书面提议的其它风险;
11.6 If at any time the Equipment or any part thereof or any other risk specified in sub clause 11.1 is not so insured as aforesaid, or if the Lessee shall fail to produce any such policy or receipt as aforesaid, the Lessor shall without prejudice to its rights in respect of any such breach be entitled, but not obliged, at the expense of the Lessee to insure the Equipment or any such other risk and keep them so insured during the period referred to in this Clause, and the Lessee will pay to the Lessor on demand any sums expended by the Lessor for such purpose with interest from the time of the same having been expended until such payment at the rate specified in sub clause 5.5.
11.6 如设备或其任何部分或第11.1条规定的任何其它风险于任何时候没有按前款规定购买保险,或者如承租人未能按前款规定出示任何上述保单或收据,出租人有权(但无义务)在不影响其就上述任何违约而享有的权利的条件下为设备或上述任何其它风险购买保险,并保持其在本条所述期间内均如此投保,费用由承租人负担。承租人将一经要求即连同利息向出租人支付出租人为上述目的所支出的一切款项,利息自上述款项支出之日起计至按第5.5条规定偿付时止。
11.7 Without prejudice to any other provision of this Agreement the Lessee agrees to indemnify the Lessor against any loss, liability, damage, claim, demand or expense whatsoever suffered or incurred by the Lessor and arising out of or in connection with any failure by the Lessee to comply with its obligations under this Clause 11.
11.7 在不影响本协议任何其它条款的情况下,承租人同意就出租人因承租人没有履行其在本第11条下的义务或与上述不履行有关而遭受或引致的任何损失、责任、损害赔偿、申索、要求或开支而对出租人作出弥偿。
19.9 Intervention by Lessor   If the Lessee fails to comply with any provision of this Agreement, the Lessor may, without being in any way obliged to do so or responsible for so doing and without prejudice to the right of the Lessor to treat that non compliance as a Termination Event, effect compliance on behalf of the Lessee, whereupon the Lessee shall become liable to pay immediately any sums expended by the Lessor together with all costs and expenses (including legal costs) in connection therewith.
19.9 出租人的干预  如承租人没有遵守本协议的任何条文,出租人可以(但无任何义务或责任这样做及在不影响出租人有权将该不遵守行为当作为终止事件的情况下)代表承租人遵守,而承租人有责任立即支付出租人因此支出的任何款项以及与此有关的一切费用和开支(包括法律费用)。
The Lender may, without prejudice to its other rights hereunder, terminate its obligation to make the Facility available and declare the Loan together with all accrued interest and other moneys payable under this agreement repayable immediately (or in accordance with such declaration) at any time after any of the following events (“Events of Default”) shall have occurred (so long as the same is continuing):
3.       We agree that you shall (without prejudice to any general or banker’s lien, right of set-off or any other right to which you may be entitled) have the right at any time without notice to set off and apply any credit balance on any account of us with you (whether subject to notice or not and whether matured or not and in whatever currency) and any other indebtedness owing by you to us against our liabilities under this Counter-indemnity (whether actually or contingently due), and you are authorised to purchase with the monies standing to the credit of any such account such other currencies as may be necessary for this purpose.
3.       本公司同意,贵公司/贵行(在不损害任何一般或银行留置权、抵销权或贵公司/贵行有权享有的任何其它权利的原则下)有权在任何时间,在无须给予通知的情况下,运用本公司在贵公司/贵行开立的任何账户的任何贷方余额(不论是否须通知,亦不论是否已到期及以何种货币)及贵公司/贵行欠本公司的任何其它债务,抵销本公司在本反弥偿契据下的债务(不论其为实际到期须付或者待确定到期须付),并且贵公司/贵行获授权以在任何上述账户贷方的款项购买为此目的而必需的其它货币。
In connection with its appointment hereunder as administrator, the Administrator shall, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing:
11.2 The Custodian shall execute ownership and other certificates and affidavits for all fiscal tax and other purposes from time to time in connection with Investments delivered to or by it or to its order under this Agreement and shall pay any taxes which are required to be paid in connection therewith (all such payments being debited to the account of the Company) and shall make applications and reports to the competent [                                       ] and other authorities under any [                                       ] and other laws, treaties, agreements or conventions (if any) in order to secure any tax or other privileges and benefits to which the Company is or may be entitled in connection with such Investments (including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, to exempt from taxation any exemptable transfers and/or deliveries of any such Investments or in connection with the collection of interest and dividends thereon).
11.2 保管人须不时就根据本协议向其或其所指定的人交付的或由其交付的投资为一切财政税收及其它目的签署所有权证及其它证明书和誓章,须支付规定就投资支付的任何税款(一切该等付款须记入公司帐下),并须根据任何〔                                     〕及其它法律、条约、协议或公约(如有的话)向主管〔                                         〕及其它当局提交申请和报告,以便确保公司有权或可能有权享有关乎该等投资的任何税收特惠或其它特权及利益(包括,在不损害前款规定的一般性的原则下,免除就任何可免税的任何该等投资的转让和(或)交付或与该投资收取的利息及股息有关的税收)。
3.2     If in any respect any of the foregoing provisions of this Clause [3] is not complied with on the Completion Date by any of the Parties, the remaining Parties (other than the Company) may (acting unanimously) at their option defer Completion [until       ] (and so that the provisions of this Clause shall apply to Completion as so deferred).   Unless such remaining Parties so defer Completion, this [Agreement] [Deed] shall terminate on the Completion Date, but without prejudice to any claim which any Party may have against any other Party for breach of contract.
3.2     如各方中的任何一方于成交日在任何方面不能符合本第〔3〕的任何前述条文,则其余各方(公司除外)可(一致行动)自行选择延迟成交〔直至       年  月  日〕为止(以使本条条文适用于如此延迟的成交)。除非其余各方如此延迟成交,否则本〔协议〕〔契据〕须于成交日终止,但不影响任何一方就违约而有权针对任何其它的一方提起的任何申索。
10.1.2         if the other Shareholder does not offer to purchase the Leaver’s Shares in the manner and within the period provided in [Article [   ]], the Leaver may (without prejudice to its rights to sell such Shares to a third party pursuant to [Article [ ]   ]) by notice in writing to the Directors and to the other Shareholder require a general meeting to be convened for the purpose of winding up the Company.   The Shareholders will procure that such a general meeting be convened within thirty days of the Leaver’s notice.   The Shareholders will procure that the Directors first make a declaration of solvency (if applicable).   Both Shareholders shall attend or be represented at such meeting or at any adjournment thereof and no Shareholder shall be entitled to vote otherwise than against a proposal to adjourn the meeting or in favour of the resolution for the winding up of the Company unless both Shareholders otherwise agree.
10.1.2         如另一股东没有以〔第〔 〕条〕所规定的方式并在〔第〔 〕条〕所规定期间内提出购买退出方的股份,退出方可(在不影响其依据〔第〔 〕条〕向第三方出售其在该等股份的权力的情况下)向董事及另一股东发出书面通知,要求就公司的清盘而召开大会。股东将促使该股东大会在退出方通知后三十日内召开。股东将促使董事首先作出有偿付能力的声明书(如适用的话)。两个股东均应出席或派代表出席该会议或该会议的任何延会;除非两个股东另行协议,否则任何股东除反对押后会议的提议或赞成结束公司业务的决议外,无投票权。
11.2 If a Termination Notice is given pursuant to Clause 11.1, the Shareholder not in default (in this Clause hereinafter referred to as the “Beneficiary”) shall (without prejudice to its other rights and remedies) have the right:
11.2 如已依据第〔11.1〕条发出终止通知书,没有失责的股东(在本条提述为“受益人”)(在不影响其所享有的其它权利及其它补救方法的原则下)有权:
3.1     Without prejudice to its rights to terminate the employment contract of a Seconded Employee in circumstances justifying dismissal, Yuncheng Aluminum shall use all endeavors to procure that the Seconded Employees will at all times during the Transition Period be employed by Yuncheng Aluminum pursuant to their respective employment contracts.   Yuncheng Aluminum will furnish the Company with a copy of any notice of termination of the employment contract given to or received from a Seconded Employee promptly after such notice has been given or received, as the case may be.
3.1     在不影响其在有合理解雇理由的情况下终止某位派遣员工的雇用合同的权利的前提下,运城铝业应尽一切合理努力促使派遣员工在过渡期内按照其各自的雇用合同始终受雇于运城铝业。运城铝业应将发给某派遣员工的或从某派遣员工收到的有关终止雇用合同的通知(视情况而定)及时抄送公司。
8.2     If any of the following events occurs, the Company shall, without prejudice to its other rights under this Agreement or at law, be entitled to terminate this Agreement by giving at least ten (10) days’ prior written notice to Yuncheng Aluminum:
8.2     如以下任何情况发生,公司应有权向运城铝业发出至少十(10)天事先书面通知终止本协议,而不影响其在本协议项下的权利或法律赋予的其他权利:
27.1 Without prejudice to Party B’s rights to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Article 11.2, the parties may agree that if, during the Lease Term, the Premises are in part or in whole :
27.1 在不影响乙方根据第11.2款终止本合同的权利的情况下,双方可同意,在租赁期内:
Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which a party may have under this Agreement, the parties acknowledge and agree that damages may not be an adequate remedy for any breach of this Agreement and the remedies of injunction, specific performance and other non-monetary remedies (in addition to damages) as permitted by PRC law are appropriate for any threatened or actual breach of any provision of this Agreement and no proof of special damages shall be necessary for the enforcement of the rights under this Clause 18.2.
18.8.2         Any Notice may be delivered by hand or sent by fax with confirmation receipt followed by first-class mail posted within 24 hours, or by overnight courier. Without prejudice to the foregoing, any Notice shall be deemed to have been received on the next working day in the place to which it is sent, if sent by fax, or 72 hours from the time of posting, if sent by overnight courier, or at the time of delivery, if delivered by hand.
18.8.2         一切通知可经专人送递,或以附有确认收据的传真方式送递随后再于24小时内以头等邮件方式邮寄,或以隔夜速递的方式送递。在不影响前述规定的前提下,一切以传真送递的通知在收件地的下一个工作日视为收到,以隔夜速递方式送递的通知在寄出之后72小时视为收到,以专人送递的通知在递交时视为收到。
12       Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which a party may have under this Agreement, the parties acknowledge and agree that damages may not be an adequate remedy for any breach of this Agreement and the remedies of injunction, specific performance and other non-monetary remedies (in addition to damages) as permitted by PRC law are appropriate for any threatened or actual breach of any provision of this Agreement and no proof of special damages shall be necessary for the enforcement of the rights under this Clause 12.
12       在不影响任何一方在本协议下可能享有的任何其他权利或补救权的前提下,各方确认并同意,对本协议的任何违约仅进行损害赔偿可能不足以补救该等违约,因此守约方就任何潜在、或实际地违反本协议任何规定的行为寻求停止侵害、实际履行及中国法律允许的其他非金钱补救措施(附加于损害赔偿)均为适当的,且在强制执行本第12条项下权利时无需提供任何特别损失证据。
Any Notice may be delivered by hand or sent by fax with confirmation receipt followed by first-class mail posted within 24 hours, or by overnight courier. Without prejudice to the foregoing, any Notice shall be deemed to have been received on the next working day in the place to which it is sent, if sent by fax, or 72 hours from the time of posting, if sent by overnight courier, or at the time of delivery, if delivered by hand.
4.10 Branding. Upon delivery, the Equipment shall not feature any names (including manufacturer’s name), logos, corporate color schemes, branding or any advertising marks, paraphernalia or identifications (collectively the “Branding”). Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions on confidentiality set forth herein, Supplier shall have no right to – and shall not - advertise or otherwise disclose or publicize its lease of the Equipment to BOB, at any time.
4.10 品牌。设备一经交付,便不再带有任何名称(包括生产商的名称)、图标、公司颜色方案、标志或任何广告标志、附属标志或身份(通称“品牌”)。在不减损本协议中列出的有关保密的一般性规定的前提下,供应方无权——且不得在任何时候对其向BOB租赁设备一事做广告或披露或公开其向BOB租赁设备一事。
16.1             The Supplier acknowledges that BOB has entered into this Agreement taking into account the Supplier’s expertise and skill in the design and manufacturing of the specialized broadcasting Equipment including ancillary equipment suitable for the Intended Purpose, and agrees that it (the Supplier) shall not assign, delegate or subcontract its rights or obligations hereunder to any third party without the explicit prior written consent of BOB. To the extent as necessary for performance of this Agreement, the Supplier shall have the right to assign, subcontract or sublicense its rights or obligations, in part or in whole, provided that such assignment, sub-contract or sub-license shall be without any material prejudice to BOB and is promptly notified to BOB by Supplier. BOB may cancel this Agreement for cause should Supplier attempt to make an unauthorized assignment of this Agreement or any right or obligation arising hereunder.
16.1 供应方承认BOB签署本协议是考虑到供应方在设计和制造适合预期目的的专业转播设备及其附属设施方面的特殊专长和技能,并同意未经BOB事先明确书面同意,其(指供应方)不得向任何第三方转让、委托或转包其在本协议下的权利和义务。在履行本协议所必需的范围内,供应方应有权转让、转包或再许可其全部或部分权利或义务,但是,此等转让、转包或再许可应对BOB没有任何实质性损害,并且供应方应及时通知BOB。如果供应方试图对本协议或由本协议所产生的任何权利或义务进行未经许可的转让,BOB可以以此为由取消本协议。
the Operator shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving twenty (20) Business Days’ notice sent by registered mail with return receipt requested without prejudice to any other right or remedy.
24.3.4       The arbitral tribunal shall have the authority to make such orders granting interim or provisional relief during the pendency of the arbitration as it deems just and equitable. Any such order shall be without prejudice to the final determination of the controversy.
24.3.4         仲裁期间,仲裁庭有权视情况在其认为公平合理的情况下,下令给予临时救济。仲裁庭的此类救济令并不影响其最终做出结果相反的裁决。
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