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招标文件目录中英文翻译对照_翻译学习 Refresher_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2012/10/9  阅读次数:22136  字体大小: 【】 【】【


Table of Contents

第一部     投标人

Section IInstructions to Bidders



1   招标说明

1. Introduction

2   合格的标人

2. Eligible Bidders

3   投标费用

3. Cost of Bidding

4   踏勘现场

4. Site Survey

B       招标文件

B.       The Bidding Documents

5   招标的组成及有关说明

5. Composition of Bidding Documents and Related Remarks

6   招标的澄清、修改或补遗

6. Clarification, Modification and Amendment of Bidding Documents

C       投标文的编制

C.       Preparation of Bids

7   投标文的组成

7.   Documents Comprising the Bid

8   投标文使用语种

8.   Language 0f Bid

9   投标报和货币种类

9.   Bid Prices and Currency

10   投标有

10. Period of Validity of Bid

11   投标文的格式和签署

11. Format and Signing of Bid

12   投标保

12. Bid Security

13   投标文的密封和标记

13. Sealing and Marking of Bids

14   投标截时间及投标文件的递交

14. Deadline for Submission of Bids and Submission of Bids

15   拒收的标文件

15. Rejected Bids

16   投标文的更改与撤回

16. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids

D       开标与

D.     Bid Opening and Evaluation

17   开标

17. Opening 0f Bids

18   唱标及

18. Reading and Recording of Bids

19   评标过的保密

19.   Confidentiality on Evaluating Procedure

20   评标委

20.   Evaluation Committee

21   投标文的初步审查

21.   Preliminary Examination of Bids

22   评标货币

22.   Currency of Bid Evaluation

23   评标内容

23.   Contents of Bid Evaluation

24   评标原则

24.   Criteria of Bid Evaluation

25   评标程及方法

25.   Procedures and Methods of Bid Evaluation

26   投标文的澄清

26. Clarification of Bids

27   评标报告

27. Bid Evaluation Report

E     中标结果

E.     Award of Contract

28   中标人确定

28. Award Criteria

29   酬金和

29. Remuneration and Bonus

30   中标通知

30. Notification of Award

31   签署合同

31. Signing the Contract


F.     Miscellaneous

32   设计成知识产权

32. Intellectual Property Rights on the Results of Design

33   招标解释

33. Explanation of Bidding Documents

34   招标的确认

34. Confirmation of Bidding Documents

35   保密

35. Confidentiality

36   腐败和诈行为

36. Fraud and Corruption Practices

37   其他

37. Others

38   履约保

38. Performance Security

第二部     设计任

Section II. Design Specifications

A       设计条件

A.     Conditions of Design

1   项目概述

1. Project Overview

2   规划设要求

2. Requirements on Planning and Design

3   项目使功能的要求

3. Requirements on the Functionality of the Project

4   对项目计的技术要求

4. Technical Requirements on the Project Design

5   设计周期

5. Period of Design

6   招标供给投标人的其他资料

6. Other Materials Provided by the Tenderer to the Bidder

B       设计要求

B       Requirements on Design

1   指导思想

1. Guiding Ideology

2   设计原则

2. Principle of Design

3   设计成要求

3. Requirements on the Results of Design

第三部     设计合同格式及设计合同条款

Section III. Form and Terms and Conditions of Design Contract

A       协议书

A       Form of Agreement

B       合同通条款

B       General Conditions of Contract (GCC) C   合同专条款

C       Special Terms and Conditions

D       投标文格式

D       Format of Bids

1       投标文件封面或扉页

1.     Coverage and Title Page of Bids

2     投标文签署授权委托书

2.     Letter of Authorization for the Signature of Bids

3     法定代人或其授权代表有效身份证件复印件

3.     Copies of Identification Documents for Legal Person or Authorized Representative

4     投标函

4.     Bid Letter

5     投标函

5.     Schedules to Bid Letter

6     商务、术条款偏离表

6.     Deviations on Commercial and Technical Terms

7     联合体同投标协议(参考格式)

7.     Agreement on Joint Bids ( for Reference only)

8     投标人格审查表

8.     Pre-qualification Form for Bidder

9     设计费标报价表

9.     Bid Quote Sheet for Design Charges

10   项目分投资估算表

10. Bill of Quantities and Project Investment Forecast

11   投标人本情况表

11. General Information of the Bidder

12   拟投入目设计人员汇总表

12. Summary Sheet for Design Personnel Proposed for the Project

13   拟投入要设计人员简历表

13. Resumes for Key Design Personnel Proposed for the Project

14   项目首建筑师基本情况表

14. Basic Information of Project Chief Architect

15   投标人年来完成与该项目类似工程设计情况表

15. Works of a Nature or Amount Similar to the Works Performed by the Bidder


Section IV Attachments

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